YOUR Working Skills Help YOU Build a Better Life...
YOUR Working Skills Help YOU Build a Better Life...
Improve your Farming, Working & Local Skills. Learn New Skills. Lots of ideas and resources.
Skills, Tools and Mobile Apps are always FREE…
Everyone has the potential to do well. earn more, and build a better life. OneLiberia supports those starting out, looking for a job, or building a small business, by providing skills, ideas, information, resources and services designed and created to help.
Build a Better Life in Liberia...
Your support enables OneLiberia to continuously expand and update working skills, and work hard to reach and encourage those who need it most. Help young Liberian workers build a better life and a better Liberia…
Available for Android and Apple iOS
More background...
In different Liberian cities and towns, often there are different working skills needed in order to do well. Street trading in Sinkor is different than street trading in Sanniquellie. Preparing food on Bushrod Island can be different than preparing food in Buchanan. OneLiberia and Africa54 can help YOU improve your skills wherever you are.
Skills are based on knowledge and abilities to perform working tasks. YOU can develop your working skills with work experience, by learning at school and after you leave school by studying or learning online. OneLiberia's and Africa54's audios, videos, upcoming training courses, resources and tools can help YOU.
Wherever YOU are in Liberia, there are problems, but almost anywhere YOU are there are opportunities to work and earn income and begin to build a better life. In every Liberian city and town YOU face competition. Good working skills help YOU STAND OUT. With good skills, customers will respect YOU, and speak of YOU to their families and friends.
Africa54Training helps you improve your working and local skills, learn new skills, and discover job and working opportunities in your area. Africa54Training, associated with OneLiberia is an online hub of working skills; when you join, it enables you to advertise online your personal and business contact details, your products and services, create a business brochure, videos, and much, much more.
A powerful and useful hub of skills, resources and tools, all of which is completely FREE...
Reading helps you learn more, improve your personal and working skills, and understand more that you might see in newspapers, on TV, on signs, labels in stores, etc. Reading helps you build a better life. Some ways to help you improve your reading skills or learn to read...