YOUR Working Skills Help YOU Build a Better Life...
YOUR Working Skills Help YOU Build a Better Life...
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WHY improve your working and local skills?
Jobs are scarce and hard to find in Liberia. Being a mother and self-employed may be the only realistic option for you. With improved skills, energy, determination and persistence, it can work. Africa54's team wants to help...
Self-employment is probably the best alternative for you in your area or
WHY improve your working and local skills?
Jobs are scarce and hard to find in Liberia. Being a mother and self-employed may be the only realistic option for you. With improved skills, energy, determination and persistence, it can work. Africa54's team wants to help...
Self-employment is probably the best alternative for you in your area or moving to a city or large town to work. In 2025 and beyond, Liberia's growing population exceeds the number of available jobs. With some skills, hard work, determination and practicality, being self-employed can greatly improve income and security. Build a better, more stable life in Liberia.
HOW can you improve you skills?
HOW can you improve you skills?
WHAT to do next?
WHAT to do next?